Spencer Mission Picture

Spencer Mission Picture

Monday, June 16, 2014

Transfer #8 10 Months!!

 Hey! Friends and Family!!!

To start off, I've had a blast here in Iowa City! I've seen a lot of miracles and cool stuff. I really dont wanna go, but if the Lords wants me to, I guess I'll go.  I havent heard anything yet IF I am going, so Im really hoping that I can stay at least one more transfer.

But ALL is WELL!!  This week has been really good!! We have a New Investigator, R, he 26 and from Mexico. The best part is that he speaks fluent English and so we can keep him as our investigator :).  We have had a lot of success this week, despite the kidney stone episode.  But Elder B is doing well now, pain pills are an amazing thing!

Our ward is doing something thats really cool.  2 week consecration of missionary work. Our Bishops daughter is on her mission in Georgia, and her mission did this, and their numbers went through the roof.  She had 72 initial contacts of non-members. (Potential Investigators), With 35 Lessons taught, and I dont remember the number of New Investigators, only that it was crazy high.  So obviously its possible to do, so were going to do it.  Our ward effective immediately is in "Missionary Mode". We have asked every member in the ward to have us missionaries over for 15 min, at a time so we can help them understand how to find, invite, and effectively teach.  Then they are going to either, hand out a Book of Mormon, invite people to church, or Invite Friends/non-members to Missionary Lessons.  Us Missionaries have promised to pray that the members have added strength and missionary opportunities, and that we will be 100% obedient (We should be 100% anyways)  Through this consecration period, we are expecting a substantial growth in the work here.

Im real excited for the 2nd ward.  I think this might be the change we've been feeling that would take place.  Iowa City is truly sacred ground.  Its really cool to think that I am walking EXACTLY where my ancestor pioneers walked.  Our church building is placed on a hill, where records tell us is the place that the handcarts formed teams and left for the West.

This IS a sacred work as well. The Lord is VERY involved with us.

I love you ALL. Thanks so much for everything!

Elder Spencer Allred

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