Spencer Mission Picture

Spencer Mission Picture

Monday, April 14, 2014

Time Flies

April 14, 2014
Wow has Time flown.  8 Months out TODAY!!!  It’s crazy to think that it has been this long. In 2 transfers I'll hit a year! 

We've seen some pretty cool miracles this week. But every rose certainly does have its thorns.

We've had some car issues come up that had us sitting in the Car dealership for 3 hours on Saturday and about an hour this morning.  Basically our car has been recalled for some issues from the factory.
Well, the dealership is supposed to give us a loner car till ours can get fixed. However, the dealer won’t give us a car because were under 21.  So, I’ve had to do a lot of negotiating, and be on the phone a lot talking to our Vehicle Coordinator trying to find a loop hole around that policy, AND we found one!

But now we’re trying to let the dealership know so that we can get a car.  OH! And people don't like to answer their phones, so it’s making this process a lot harder than it should be.
But on the upside, instead of having only 900 miles to drive a month, we now have 1500! The church approved the mile increase.

We have a lot of people that we are trying to teach. The members are great here! I have yet to have a week where we have not been fed. The ward is so focused on missionary work and I love it.  I can testify that the unity of members and missionaries brings forth SO many blessings and miracles.
Keep up the good work in AF.  LET YOUR LIGHTS SHINE!!  And please keep me updated on any mission calls!

I balled like a baby for almost an hour after I heard about one recently.  I am glad that some of the YM I always admired are now going!  I keep praying for the rest of you.  I can tell you that EACH one of you are needed in this work.  It does not matter where you serve, or what mission it is in.  What will matter is that you are willing to do your part for the Lord.
I don’t care how hard it is, make the correction you need and GO!

Love you All!
Elder Allred, Spencer

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